- Index
- Chronology
- Neighborhoods
- Portfolio
- Ralph Haver
- Commercial
- Customs
- Characteristics
- Family Story
- Jimmie Nunn
- Civic Spaces
- Awards
- James Salter
- Multifamily
- Have a Haver?
Town and Country Homes
- About T&C
- T&C Manor '56
- Janet Manor '57
- Scottsdale '59
- Paradise '60
- Vintage Ads
- Rehabilitation
- Manor turns 50
- Haver Hive
- Time Capsule
An Intro to Town & Country Tract Home Neighborhoods

Their price point is attractive even today as a new generation of Designers and DIY-ers begin to modify them for modern living. As of 2020 the least expensive of these homes are around $340,000. Aware that these well-loved Haver Homes in their original form would soon become in short supply, The City of Scottsdale had the foresight to designate one Town and Country neighborhood as historic and developed easy to implement preservation guidelines for exterior architecture that serve as a good guideline for anyone renovating their Haver Home.
Because Town and Country homes are successful tracts designed by a Master of Architecture in Arizona and Scottsdale has already succeeded in their designation, Modern Phoenix recommends that all Town and Country neighborhoods organize, survey, and seek the tax benefits of becoming a Historic District in the City of Phoenix.

Visit Janet Manor | 1957
Visit Town and Country Scottsdale | 1959
Visit Town and Country Paradise
| 1960
Some Town and Country home plans were modified into custom homes in other subdivisions, such as this rock-roofed home near 32nd and Meadowbrook and the Donaldson House in Marion Estates. Part of the fun of driving Phoenix's streets is seeing if you can spot T&C homes in the wild!