5th Annual Modern Phoenix Week 2009
Founding Fathers of Modern Phoenix Home Tour in Arcadia and Uptown Phoenix
Sorosky House
Architect Unknown, with Woolsey Studio, Inc., AIA
Year: 60s/70s, then 2008
Renovation Completion: 100%
Style: Midcentury Modern with Contemporary Interpretation
This home in Arcadia was a standard 60s/70s subdivision home with slump block, arched windows, and a choppy floorplan. In 2007 the new owner immediately began to remodel. The existing footprint remained essentially the same, except the new garage.

David Tyda of Desert Living goofed off with the huge etched-glass pivot door, inviting tourgoers inside.

The romantic note-lamp was a huge hit. Personalized notes can be added to the stock set that comes with the assembly kit.

Three areas were significantly altered: the master suite was gutted and rearranged to connect better with the back yard, the walls that divided the current Great Room were removed and replaced by a steel beam overhead, and the carport was enclosed for utility spaces. All finishes were stripped and replaced with a more contemporary look.

Unlike many older homes, this house is actually quite large on a large lot, so every square penny per square foot was multiplied. The challenge was to keep the quality high without blowing the budget. Excellent balance between splurge-and-restraint is demonstrated here. Landscape is by local firm Urban Earth — who identified the home’s axis that literally pierces it from front to back, even across the pool’s bottom.

Lambda Car Club lent the cars for the day.
Architect Kristi Woolsey discussed the floor treatment with a visitor.