Modern Phoenix Week 2017 + Home Tour of Paradise Gardens
- 2017 Wrap-up
- Exec. Towers
- Carstens
- Beadle Buddy
- Soleri
- Full Agenda
- Simply Modern
- Party Pad
- Encanto Haus
- Griffin
- Symposium
- Atomic Lagoon
- Weatherup
- Taliesin West
- People
- Modernique
- Noonan Study
- Prickly Pear
- Founding Fathers
- Cars
- Copenhagen
- Jobuilt Pizza
- Beadle Boxes
- Itinerary
- Receive advance notice of next year's events!
Modern Phoenix Week 2017 Wrap-up
Modern Phoenix was thrilled to be the host of the Docomomo US Symposium on Modernism and Climate in March of 2017. We focused on the architecture of Frank LLoyd Wright, Paolo Soleri and Alfred Newman Beadle among other founding fathers of Modern Phoenix. Tours, talks and mixers all week long gave the midcentury preservation community an opportunity to get to know each other and work on common goals. Explore over 600 member photos taken during the week using the hashtag #docomomomopho on Instagram! Explore all of our events below and join us again next year!
The Atomic Lagoon
The Carstens Residence
Beadle Buddy
Jobuilt Pizza
The Weatherup Residence
Prickly Pear Residence
Noonan Case Study
Party Pad
Simply Modern
Griffin Residence
Encanto Haus
Vintage Cars
People Watching during Events and Tours
Modernique Book Signing with Julia Buckingham
Best of the Beadle Boxes Bus Tour
Symposium and Tour at Taliesin West
Symposium at Phoenix Financial Center and Phoenix College
Symposium at Soleri's Cosanti and Arcosanti
Al Beadle's Executive Towers on the National Register of Historic Places
Founding Fathers of Modern Phoenix Bus Tour
Will Bruder Talk at Copenhagen
Photos copyright 2017 Leland Gebhardt Photography, Virtuance, and Modern Phoenix LLC.
Supplemental photography by Photo Perigo and Samantha Acosta. All rights reserved.
Supplemental photography by Photo Perigo and Samantha Acosta. All rights reserved.
Modern Phoenix Week 2017 + Home Tour of Paradise Gardens
- 2017 Wrap-up
- Exec. Towers
- Carstens
- Beadle Buddy
- Soleri
- Full Agenda
- Simply Modern
- Party Pad
- Encanto Haus
- Griffin
- Symposium
- Atomic Lagoon
- Weatherup
- Taliesin West
- People
- Modernique
- Noonan Study
- Prickly Pear
- Founding Fathers
- Cars
- Copenhagen
- Jobuilt Pizza
- Beadle Boxes
- Itinerary
- Receive advance notice of next year's events!