Modern Phoenix Week 2008 + Home Tour of Village Grove
- 2008 Wrap-up
- Hibbard
- Linder
- Glass & Garden
- Herring
- Cobb
- Casa de Luz
- Holy Cross
- Expo
- Hamblen
- Oak
- Cactus
- Dick
- White Gates
- Unitarian
- Concrete
- St. Maria
- Itinerary
- Afterparty Receive advance notice of next year's events!

The Oak Property
70% complete
This Ralph Haver home in the nearby Town and Country neighborhood is situated in one of the first midcentury modern districts to be designated as historic by the City of Scottsdale. Homeowner Brad Jannenga purchased the property shortly after the designation and has been renovating the property for 7 months, doing much of the work himself. A restoration grant from the City of Scottsdale was used for replacement casement windows and new glass for the front window wall.

Modern Phoenix Week 2008 + Home Tour of Village Grove
- 2008 Wrap-up
- Hibbard
- Linder
- Glass & Garden
- Herring
- Cobb
- Casa de Luz
- Holy Cross
- Expo
- Hamblen
- Oak
- Cactus
- Dick
- White Gates
- Unitarian
- Concrete
- St. Maria
- Itinerary
- Afterparty Receive advance notice of next year's events!