Modern Phoenix Week 2008 + Home Tour of Village Grove

Flooded with natural light, the Scottsdale Center for the Arts atrium was filled with modern vendors and service providers for the Modern Phoenix Expo 2008.

Modern Phoenix founder Alison King (center) takes one last walk of the expo floor
before opening to the public.

Stel Objekt brought new outdoor furniture to show.

Gore Design Co. brought this curvaceous concrete and wood lounger, as well as a preview of a reception desk they created for Natural Territory.

Natural Territory of Scottsdale displayed some green furnishings and ways of living.

Melrose on 7th anchor store Retro Redux
set up a cool bar and rehabbed steel cabinetry.

Newcomer from New Mexico Modern Handcrafted brought custom cabinetry.

Phoenix Metro Retro showed of their classic taste in refurbished Danish Modern style.

The Center of Modern Design brought an iconic collection of furnishings.

Interior design firm Valley Modern used a creative approach to get folks to sign up for voluntary e-mail Spam!

Ethan Allen does modern, too!

The O'Companies revealed new plans for Will Bruder's Mezzo on 3rd St.

The Equitable
group brought a model of Portland 38.
The Modern Phoenix Map of neighborhoods is always a point of curiosity.

Vision Concrete displayed a variety of floor finishes and artistic treatments.

The Haver Hive showcased the creative talent of residents in the Rancho Ventura Haverhood.

Claudia Bullmore of
Sky Marketing is the Hive's ringleader.

Scott O'Steen of the Haver Hive
displayed architectural renderings and his sensitive adaptations to a Haver Home.

Richard Elardo shared his expertise on the history of Al Beadle's Executive Towers, currently working toward historic designation.

The door prize area featured everything from a concrete artwork to a modern kitty bed, modern baby gear, books and
consultations for design work.

Regina Alexandra's quilt was a special treat made by a MoPho and won by a MoPho.

The door prize drawing was much anticipated and well attended.

Alison's favorite part of the day is doing the drawings and giving away free gear!
Leslie Oliver of SMoCA assisted and helped the entire day run smoothly.

The Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission showed how they are leading the way in MCM research and historic designation of properties and neighborhoods.

a.k.a. green brought eco-friendly paints, floor and furnishings.

FormWerks studio anchored the
western entrance to share their architectural vision.

Volunteers like Michael and Stacy Voloudakis kept the day's events running seamlessly.

John Jacquemart made no apologies for his presentation being on FoamCore!

Debbie Abele
exposed the hidden history of Modern Scottsdale and its growth.

James Trahan of 180 Degrees walked us through his "Scary House" in Sunnyslope.

Kristi Woolsey previewed her rehab of an old Eddie Jones home in Paradise Valley, to be featured on the AIA tour this year.

Mark Philp described Allen + Philp's sensitive rehab of the Hotel Valley Ho.

Joe Herzog of [merz] projects described the reasoning behind the addition to the Hoover Residence, also on the AIA home tour featured as home of the year.

Nova Modern donated furnishings for the afternoon to seat the esteemed panel moderated by Desert Living's editor David Tyda.
Modern Phoenix Week 2008 + Home Tour of Village Grove