Pima Plaza A.K.A. The Feltman Building in Scottsdale | 1953

This two-story "Modern Western" redwood office plaza was lauded in its day for developer David Friedman's contribution to the ease of parking that benefited all in the new burgeoning downtown maintaining its image as the "West's Most Western Town". Haver admits the style was a concession to the city's demand. Within weeks of completion the community started calling it Pima Plaza.

Shoppers could hitch their wagon to the parking posts in the median then access nearby shopping by foot. Note the streets are not yet paved! Friedman is also responsible for the nearby
Triangle Building, which would serve as Scottsdale City Hall for a spell
, as well as the
Friedman Office building in Phoenix. The Pima Plaza building still stands relatively unaltered today, which is a testament to its lasting contribution to the image and amenities that Scottsdale wanted to convey.