The Story of Superlite

How Superlite Shaped Phoenix into the Block Capital of America
By Taz Loomans
“Phoenix is the block capital of America” proclaimed William J. Blaha in his article, The Superlite Story, in a 1965 Concrete Products magazine. Blaha was right then and he’s right now. We have a remarkable amount of concrete block buildings in the Valley, due largely to Superlite, the local concrete block manufacturing company which rose to prominence during the postwar housing boom.By 1955, 75 percent of all new buildings were constructed with Superlite concrete block, and in 1965, it accounted for a whopping 80 percent of all wall construction, which helps explain the cityscape of block buildings we see today.
The Superlite innovation that you may be most familiar with is the decorative block that became popular in the 1950s and 1960s, which today adorns the entire Valley. It was used for everything from the top course of a block fence to entire building façades. But the majority of Superlite lies hiding in plain sight as the boxy, unadorned building material that renovators today are scrambling to sandblast back to its original integrated color: flat, gray and practically effortless to maintain.

This top course of a residential block fence is a familiar sight in Phoenix. This square-in-square pattern clearly comes from the Orient, but its shape in block form is said to be designed by Haver. Its use in architecture Valleywide made the shape an inspiration behind the Modern Phoenix logo years before its provenance was discovered.

The Haver + Nunn portfolios from 1967 cite the circle-in-square motif as a Haver design suitable for both interior and exterior use.

The circle-in-square design shown in an early Superlite catalog.

The Northwood neighborhood of Phoenix at 12th Street and State is an early example of the new block product by Builders Supply Corporation used by Haver for his tract homes.

Decorative blocks are not as widely used anymore as architects now favor other Superlite innovations such as the Integra Wall System, in which the voids of the individual blocks are filled with an expanding insulation creating a super-efficient building envelope. When The Vig Uptown needed the pattern for their 2010 renovation of a 1960s Haver + Nunn bank, they had to locate the original mold and ask another company to fabricate blocks custom for the project! Decorative blocks are only a fraction of the story of Superlite and its influence on the Valley.
Before Superlite revolutionized construction in the Valley in the mid-1940s, wood frame construction was the norm. Concrete masonry did exist at the time, but the concrete blocks before Superlite were made out of heavy sandstone, and were even cast in place at times. In 1944 three men—Coach Thomas, Bill Thomas and Gilbert Olson—set out to manufacture an innovative light-weight concrete block. With a modest investment of just $3,500, they formed Builders Supply Corporation. At first, they used a combination of sand, Portland cement and perlite (the perlite in Superlite), a mineral they mined in California, to achieve their goal. But they quickly shifted to using volcanic scoria, the naturally occurring “froth” from volcanic eruptions. Following an eruption, the froth cooled rapidly, trapping tiny gas bubbles. The resulting aggregate was surprisingly lightweight, very strong and has excellent insulating properties.
One place volcanic scoria occurs naturally is Winona, Arizona, just east of Flagstaff, where Superlite has had a mine since 1959. The material has a rich history in the building trades, used in ancient Rome on buildings such as the Pantheon. But Superlite’s founders saw even greater potential for the material in the desert Southwest honing in on its insulating characteristics. A solid Superlite concrete block wall acted as a thermal mass, absorbing heat during the day—and because of its insulating properties, didn’t release it until the coolness of night set in. At least this was true before the urban heat island effect became so problematic, preventing just about anything from cooling down so readily.

Superlite Volcanic Scoria mine in Winona, AZ in the 1950s

A spectacular example of block’s natural beauty can be seen at the St. Vincent de Paul Church campus designed by Haver and Associates in 1958 at 3140 N. 51st. Ave. to support John F. Long’s new community in Maryvale.

St. Vincent De Paul Church by Ralph Haver using 8in x4in x16in gray block along with a custom decorative block, all left unpainted.

Integrally colored, earth-toned slump block used on a mid-century modern office building located on Glendale just west of 7th Avenue.
Another reason Superlite block took off as the material of choice in the 1950s and 60s is because of its unit size. Typical structural sizes were (and still are) 8inches x 4inches x 16inches and 8inches x 8inches x16inches, both of which are larger than the normal brick (4inches x 2 2/3inches x 8inches). This allowed builders to build faster, thereby reducing the ultimate cost of erecting a structure. It turns out that when concrete block first was introduced to the construction industry, there was some resistance to it due to unfamiliarity with the large 8inch x8inch x16inch block size. So Superlite invented the 8inch x4inch x16inch that was more similar in size to a brick but still a little larger retaining the benefit of fast erection. This smaller block size was more readily accepted by both the builders and homebuyers of the time which explains the multitude of 4inch block buildings we see today.Superlite concrete block is also fire resistant, absorbs sound, and is immune to decay and termites. If it sounds like a miracle building material, that’s because in many ways, it is! Builders and architects of the 1950s and 60s in the Valley certainly thought so. At one point John F. Long, possibly the most prolific builder of the post-war era next to Del Webb, specified six million units of Superlite block for the thousands of homes that his firm erected in Maryvale.

From left to right, Jesse Besser, the inventor of the machines that make Superlite block, Coach Thomas and John F. Long at the Six Points Superlite plant

In 1958, Builders Supply underwent a huge expansion at their original Six Points plant, located on Grand Avenue and McDowell. They added eight block machines at once, giving them a capacity unheard of at the time.
In 1959, they added another plant in Tempe on University and Hayden. And around 1960, Builders Supply Corp. officially changed its name to Superlite. In 1965, York Building Products (located in Pennsylvania) bought the company, owning it for a short four years until US Industries bought it from them. US Industries held on to it until the early 1980s, ultimately selling the company to Europe’s Hanson Aggregates. And in 1989, Max Graves with Arizona Block and Oldcastle bought Superlite from Hanson Aggregates with an understanding that one would buy the other out after five years. So in 1994, Oldcastle bought out Grave’s interest in the company, and now owns it outright. Despite all this change in ownership, the Valley’s operation of Superlite remains the most innovative and productive of Oldcastle’s regional operations, according to Phoenix Site Manager Don Barton.

For decades Superlite was considered the largest block manufacturer in the world. And remarkably, 90 percent of Superlite’s block was used in Maricopa County, evidence of its popularity when the Valley exploded in size after the war. Superlite/Oldcastle continues to be a big producer, and today has 15 regional plants that have the capability of producing 450,000 blocks per day, which equates to 148,048,000 blocks per year.
Superlite concrete block was invented in Arizona and is manufactured here—from the mining of the raw materials to the crafting of each block—yet, it remains a largely underappreciated point of pride for the state. Nowhere else has concrete block been used as extensively and as creatively as it has in Arizona, specifically in the Valley of the Sun. This is apparent with just a glance around town.
A culminating tribute to block can be seen at the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church on Maryland Street and 15th Avenue built in 1965. This was the church that Superlite co-founder Gilbert Olson attended and is rumored to be “the church that Superlite built”.

The Shepherd of the Valley Church is constructed with unpainted gray Superlite block.
There are many other examples of the unique application of concrete block in the Valley that aren’t as grand as Gilbert Olsen’s church but are still remarkable. For example, Blooming Rock’s development in Central Phoenix, built in 1963 with concrete block (original architect unknown), illustrates an interesting method of slightly offsetting the courses, thus creating varied and interesting exterior walls that cast dynamic shadows that further accentuate the indentations.

3 Palms, the 1963 concrete block duplex by Blooming Rock Development, features a stepped facade that catches light and shadow.

The Superlite headquarters on north 7th Street was designed by Fred Guirey, FAIA. Their grounds once held an impressive demonstration yard showing what was possible with Superlite block. The demonstration yard is now at their Grand Avenue location.

The old Superlite demonstration yard was demolished in 2007, but remnants of it still stand on the grounds of a charter high school that has since adopted the building.

But the concrete block that Builders Supply Corp first invented is still a favorite material among architects today. When asked why he chooses concrete block for many of his projects, Eddie Jones thought it as a ‘go-to’ material. “There are endless variations of patterning without asking the block to be something it does not want to be. I appreciate its efficiency; block loves compression, block is small enough to enjoy curving, block is tough and weathers with dignity”.
John Kane of Architekton likes block because “it can range from a commodity product to an exquisitely refined custom material. It is scalable, being able to relate to different scales at the same time. And due to the many shapes, sizes and options for the mix matrix, its compositional opportunities are endless.”
Marlene Imirzian likes it too. ”I can use it as a load bearing, durable wall construction inside and out, in many shapes and sizes, with opportunities for a wide variety of openings, grout patterns, grout application, and on its own without requiring other structural elements.”
John Chonka sums it up nicely, “It's macho and tough,” not unlike Arizona, the state of its origin.
Concrete block is the consummate local building material in the Valley. With all the emphasis on using local materials from green building rating systems like LEED, in addition to its insulating potential, concrete block is still a natural choice for today’s architects and builders. Aesthetically, it’s also very much what has made the Valley that we know today, its use being so widespread, it has become an integral part of our urban context. Indeed, no other built environment in the world looks quite like ours, thanks largely to the influence of Superlite.

The Story of Superlite