Organic Modern Home Sought Organic Modern Owner: Swiftly Demolished for Three New Homes
This one-of-a-kind 1965 design by architect Robert J. Peterson needed a sensitive touch but got a backhoe instead. What are we going to do about it?
Editorial by Alison King, Founder of Modern Phoenix LLC
We worked to place the home on one of our home tours, twice without success. We actively marketed the home on our message boards, social media and paid advertisements. We reached out to the new owners when the property sold in 2013, and provided all the research we could about Peterson and his modern adobe style, with encouragement to conserve the home.

(Postscript: It eventually was demolished, too.)

A freestanding 300 square foot pool cabana was to the south, and was the first element of the property to get demolished. The cabana's demolition and an ad in the North Central News regarding the availability of three lots led to placement on the PHNC's 2013 Most Endangered Dozen list for the City of Phoenix. The home was one of two buildings placed on that list to get demolished before the year's end.

Many have asked how this could happen, as the cultural significance of the design is readily apparent to those who understand Arizona's modern home stock. While efforts to find a buyer before the lot split were made, and several from the Modern Phoenix community toured the home and even placed bids, we are told the home could not be marketed as a separate property during the lot split process. Offers to place the home on a tour for exposure to new buyers were twice declined. The cost of repairs to the existing building would not have met the new owner RSB Investments LLC and Magee Builders' requirements for return on investment.
The home was not listed on the National Register of Historic Places or City of Phoenix Historic Property Register—few Modern properties in Arizona are—so a demolition permit was not declined or even delayed for review. Placement on the Phoenix Historic Neighborhoods Coalition's 2013 Endangered Dozen list brought awareness and prompted lively discussion, but could not offer protection.

Do you own a culturally significant or architecturally unique modern home? Get started with your nomination here >>
What would YOU have done differently in this situation? What will you do differently next time? Continue the conversation on our Facebook >> The Postwar Architecture Task Force of Greater Phoenix urges citizens to restore balance to the chilling effect of Arizona Proposition 207 by advocating for the placement of buildings on the local and national historic registers. If we as property owners and citizens do not step forward and nominate the properties that are culturally significant to us, it is likely not going to be done on our behalf. Efforts are currently being made toward commercial property preservation, but the fastest route to residential preservation is through homeowners themselves.
While Modern Phoenix and the Task Force understand the importance of property rights, we also believe it is important that our city not entirely self-destruct, leaving little trace of our great moments in architectural and cultural history. Placement on a register can only forestall demolition, never permanently guarantee preservation. It takes awareness, education, foresight, creativity and consideration for future generations to make respectful decisions that will endure the ages.