The Kutch Residence by Denis Kutch with Calvin C. Straub
Article reprinted with kind permission of Arizona AIA.
Winner, Merit Award from the Central Arizona Chapter of the AIA.
Photos provided by current homeowner, 2009.

The site is an in-city lot within three blocks of both a major high school and an elementary school, and is centrally located to their working areas. The lot is narrow but has the advantage of being part of an old citrus grove dotted with many other old specimen trees.
A house directly to the west dictated a 32" minimum setback. Existing oleanders shield the lot from an active street.

Provisions have been made for converting part of the court directly to the west of the dining area to a family activity room.
Because of the excellent weather conditions during the majority of the year, it was felt that each of the internal areas should have its external counterpart, physical or visual.
Deep overhangs to th south and solid walls on the east and west provide protection during the summer months.