First Annual Modern Phoenix Home Tour
April 2005

During the home tour, James LaBar
the results with his research on the Windemere neighborhood
history with his neighbor, architect Jim Richärd -- her majesty
Orion presiding.

James' chalkboard timeline offered much-needed research on neighborhood
history, including aerial maps and articles about Ralph Haver and his associates.

James used a surplus-bought chalkboard from Arizona State University
to fill in blanks through Windemere's history.

Marty Trahan,
a newcomer to the state, scanned the streets of Phoenix with Interior
Design educator Carol Morrow.

The Richärd Residence's front lawn was an inviting semi-public
space that drew members further into the home tour.

Joint compound was manipulated to form this combed texture on both sides
of a dividing wall.
This wall treatment was a feature members couldn't stop talking about.

Like many Windemere residences, the Richärd's backyard features
a modest kidneybean pool with classic springboard diver. The corrugated-clad area is an encosure
of the original driveway pad.

Real estate agent Jennifer Hibbard
with Al Beadle's great neice
Lindsey Kohrt
their husbands, Matthew and Loring at the LaBar's home.

Homeowner Jeff explains his plans for the front facade renovation of
his Haver Home with Wolfgang and
Bettina who are seeking the next trend in modern living, even long-distance
from Germany!

Jeff and Lexine's unglazed hardscape by sunset...
and semi-glazed by the blue of dusk...

Sturdy wire bins containing recovered and distressed bricks await

The Place Doctor Walt Lockely
Darlene enjoyed their stroll through Picadilly, closely by the Peterson
and the Kohrts.

The peak turnout was well over 100, the majority of whom were ModPhx

Seven door prizes generously donated by community members were a big
draw to the ModPhx volunteer table.

2b mod's
fiberglass Eames chair blended perfectly into the handpainted swirly
hardscape of the Danley's
as partiers anticipated the door prize drawings.

ModPhx site founders Matthew
Alison King
surprised with receipt of a Danley family artifact: a repro of a watercolor rendering of a modern
home, including butterfly-roofed garage. Illustration by Ignacio Salvador Pizzo, Shawn's grandfather.
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