The Stewart Motor Company Building a.k.a. Circles Discs and Tapes
802 North Central Ave @ McKinley in Phoenix, AZ

Similar streamlined rounded-streetcorner features are found in local contemporary International/Moderne buildings of the same postwar era including Hanny's Department Store and Bragg's Pie Factory.

While its future hangs in the balance and current owners have not pursued historic designation, this building is at risk. The Modern Phoenix Neighborhood Network and Arizona Preservation Foundation will closely follow this story as it develops.
For more information on the Stewart Motor Company building's history past and present, visit:
- Storm Clouds Circle
- Back off or the Building Gets It
- Demolition Starts on Iconic Phoenix Building
- Phoenix Developer Apologizes for Demolition
- The Phoenix New Times
- The Downtown Devil
- ABC News 15 includes video
- PHXated
- Downtown Phoenix Partnership
- Light Rail Blogger
- Mid-Century Marvels

Vintage video courtesy of the Stewart Family archives
So what to do? We don't just sit around.
We make a ripple in the pond!
Phoenix is notorious as a teardown culture—ANY building can be at risk and modern designs are no exception. Modern Phoenix has assisted as a communication forum and media outlet for the preservation of the Frank Henry Valley National Bank building site, the Tempe Dome Bank, The David Wright House, Circles Records, and the White Gates residence by Al Beadle. We are ONLY able to succeed in these efforts IF WE KNOW ABOUT BUILDINGS IN DANGER! If we don't know, WE CAN'T HELP. It is easy to feel helpless in persuading the actions of others. This checklist of small but significant actions will come in handy next time you become aware of an endangered midcentury modern property. Your action may have a ripple-in-the-pond effect. Will you be the hero brave enough to skip the first stone?- Most importantly, tell somebody. Anybody. Start up a dialogue about why this property is important to you, and what you can do about it.
- Tell The Postwar Architecture task Force of Greater Phoenix as soon as you can, even if you assume we already know. Then make a public post in the Marketplace section of our message boards or on the PATF Facebook page.
- Alert our member realtors who specialize in marketing midcentury modern properties. Ask them if they have already seen the property listed on our site. Members post sightings here all the time (even if they are not their own listings).
- Go door-knocking, even if it is just one house or business. Talk with your neighbors. Inform them on the impact that teardowns have on the fabric of an entire community. There are tons of printable PDFs at the National Trust for Historic Preservation site that are particularly helpful for those without internet access. Modern Phoenix hosts a more locally-focused article on the topic of teardowns as well. Printouts work wonders. If the owner is elderly, boost web page printouts to a larger font size; they'll appreciate it.
- Use the GIS Maps at the County Assessor's website to find out who has recently purchased a significant home in your area, and use the information on public record to reach out to them (since sometimes they may not be living at the property site).
- Research the building or architect on Modern Phoenix. This will help you determine the building's cultural significance and whether others value it like you do.
- Contact the Phoenix Historic Preservation office and ask if they can help.
- Contact the Arizona Preservation Foundation and consider applying for a "Most Endangered Historic Places" listing. White Gates and Valley National Bank both earned the title and the designation has assisted in receiving positive publicity and aid.
- Use the National Trust for Historic Preservation's social media campaigns to upload photos and videos for its "This Place Matters" hashtag. Then send the link out to everyone you know for an instant viral campaign!
- Write your Mayor or city council member a note about how disappointing it is to not have any midcentury modern zoning overlays for Phoenix's most vulnerable neighborhoods. With proper budgeting for research on midcentury modern neighborhoods, homeowners would become more aware of the value of their own homes, and become less motivated to sell for teardown prices.