Postwar Architecture Task Force
of Greater Phoenix
We've been holding modern architecture bus tours in collaboration with Docomomo_US since
Tune in to our Facebook for news on the next tour ticket release!
Valley National Bank at 1st and Willetta was demolished in April 2016.
The Postwar Architecture Task Force of Greater Phoenix, Modern Phoenix, Preserve Phoenix, City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission, and
Arizona Preservation Foundation are deeply sorrowed that the 1954 Valley National Bank Branch on Willetta Street by leading Valley architects Weaver & Drover was demolished for condominiums by Tilton Development of Scottsdale, AZ. While the property was clearly marketed as having historic value in 2016, and documentation performed by North Wind Resource Consulting in 2017 demonstrated that the building was eligible for historic preservation under the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Criteria A (History of Banking) and Criteria C (Masterwork of High Artistic Values), the owner elected to neither place the former bank on the
National Register of Historic Places nor incorporate aspects of the existing structure into new plans through adaptive reuse.
Stewart Motor Company was partially demolished in April of 2016
despite efforts to work with the developer. Our activism
helped successfully block a tax incentive that would
reward the demolition.
We urge all property owners of Phoenix’s Midcentury Marvels
(from the book of the same name published in 2010) to collaborate with civic and community leaders to determine thoughtful ways to adapt historic properties of high artistic value, conserve resources through greener building, and help maintain the integrity of our city’s fabric as a magnet for Midcentury Modernism.

Western Savings (aka Souper Salad) was purchased
and refurbished by Tombstone Tactical in 2020.
Well done!
- Teardown bait
- Fences suddenly up
- Aging parents
- Condo conversion
- Demolition signs up
- Owner doesn't get it
- Priced for land
- Up for sale
- Vacancy
- Neglect
The Postwar Architecture Task Force of Greater Phoenix promotes, protects and preserves our
midcentury architectural heritage for the enjoyment of future generations.
Our all-volunteer Task Force is comprised of cultural leaders, historic preservation professionals,
educators, architects, journalists, realtors, civic leaders and activists.
We partner with civic, cultural, educational and preservation-minded organizations on both a
local and national level to further research, publishing, events, tours, activism, outreach and policy
reform on midcentury architectural topics.
We promote the economic, civic, cultural, historical and
ecological benefits of preserving the midcentury heritage of Greater Phoenix.
Our success will be measured on three dimensions
Legislation: We aim to repeal Proposition 207 and reverse the chilling effect it has had on the historic
preservation of midcentury properties.
Prevention: We will act in fierce defense of over 200 midcentury commercial properties
and take every available measure to protect our Top 25 from demolition. We will persuade the
owners of midcentury buildings, homes and even entire neighborhoods to pursue historic designation
as a proactive defense against permanent loss.
Designation: We will partner with property owners to nominate exceptional midcentury properties
and neighborhoods for historic preservation overlay.
Our vision is to protect and preserve Greater Phoenix’s midcentury modern buildings, neighborhoods
and homes so future generations can grow up in, restore, appreciate and learn from
exceptional architecture. As a result of our outreach, Greater Phoenix will rise as a top destination
for architectural tourism and real estate investment, and inspire pride in its residents for their rich midcentury heritage.
One of our members helped restore the two-tone color
scheme to the Olympus Condominiums. Reach out
if you would like a historic color consultation.
Top 25 Eligible yet Unprotected Midcentury Marvels
The Postwar Architecture Task Force used the Midcentury Marvels book of 80+ commercial properties in Phoenix city limits to prioritize and identify architecture they believe is culturally significant and qualifies for placement on the National Register for Historic Places and City of Phoenix Historic Register. These Top 25 properties are encouraged to work with PATF and the City of Phoenix to place their buildings on a historic register to preserve them for generations to come.
Since identifying the original Top 25 several years ago, one building has been demolished (Bill Johnson's Big Apple) and one was partially demolished (Stewart Motor Company/Circles Records). Because of the rapid rate of change in the city and its development priorities, the Top 25 list is revised every summer.
Proposition 207, voted into law by Arizona citizens in 2006, makes it especially difficult for postwar architecture to be placed on any register or be offered any protections. Join us in influencing property owners to willingly place their properties on the National or City register and sound the alarm with city and state government that our midcentury design heritage is being lost. Our Facebook page is a great place to start.
Central Towers
300 Bowl (AMF Bowling)
Arizona Medical Association
Veteran's Memorial Coliseum
Mardian Construction Company Headquarters
Phoenix Financial Center Tower and Pavilions
Memory Lawn Mausoleum and Chapel, Greenwood Cemetery
First National Bank of Arizona (Rock of Salvation Ministries)
Valley National Bank (Chase Bank, 44th/Camelback)
Friedman Office Building (Red Modern Furniture)
Conn & Candlin Office (The Melcher Agency)
Valley National Bank (Devenney Group)
Western Savings & Loan (Souper Salad)
Lou Regester Furniture (Copenhagen)
Corral Drive-In (Corral Cleaners)
Paris Laundry & Dry Cleaning
APS Administration Building
5th Avenue Medical Building
Lescher & Mahoney Office
First National Bank at 24th
Miracle Mile Storefronts
Arizona Title Building
IBEW Union Hall
John Jacquemart
Donna Reiner
Peter Newton
Rachel Simmons
Alison King
Marshall Shore
Greg Kilroy
Suad Mahmuljin 2017 - 2019
Roger Brevoort 2016 - 2108